Look Into My Eyes

Bueno, hace meses que no pongo nada nuevo... y lo hago ahora solo porque no tengo nada mejor que hacer. Aca va un cuentito en ingles, bastante estupido, que escribi hace un tiempo para publicar en otro lado, pero al final me harte de ese otro lado, y tuve aun menos constancia alla de la que tengo aca... supongo que este blog termina siendo siempre un rejunte de cosas viejas... este cuentito, escrito, como es mi costumbre, en un colectivo, en uno de esos aburridos viajes de vuelta de la facultad, nunca ha sido pulido, y se nota... una historia de fuegos, de ojos, y de muerte.

“Look into my eyes” said Death.

I did, and saw myself... smiling.

Smiling? Buy how could that be? How long has it been since I last miled? Months? Years? I am very doubtful that I will smile again, life has taken care of that.

“Life has taken care of that”, she said, apparently reading my mind, “but life’s life, and I am Death”

I couldn’t argue with that, so I kept staring blankly at Death’s eyes, maybe in search of something else.

In those glossy black eyes there was nothing else to be seem but me, smiling still. For a moment I thought it may be a reflection, and lifted my hands to my mouth.

My hands found my eternal frown, and rapidly recoiled, as if my own sad hate burned them.

“But it does”, said Death, so slowly that it was almost unnerving, “Your hate is a fuel, your sadness is a spark. Your are burning inside, and some of the fire vents to the outside too”

I knew that, of course. Who could know it better then myself? Well, Death, I suppose. Anyway, I felt defensive, and while my eyes kept fixed to Death’s, to that untruthful reflection of a smiling me, at last I could pronounce some words, “and what is wrong with that?”

“Wrong?”, her voice sounded as if she was laughing (I couldn’t tell, since I was still staring at those deep eyes), “quite the opposite. All those people around you, all of them, they couldn’t resist the allure of your fire. It warmed them. It lighted their way and their minds”

My hate began to rise. My vision blurred until all I saw was my smiling self, smiling as if he was mocking me. “All of them. They kept feeding my hate and sadness”

“Of course they did. More hate. More fuel. More fire. The better to warm and light them. Some of them went too far and got some swells, but those swells only left scars of wisdom”

“I never meant to help them, I don’t want to help them anymore”, I sounded like a child, “I don’t want them to use my fire”. I was now staring deeply into the eyes of that smiling self that was looking back at me from Death’s eyes.

“All you have to do is put out your fire”

Such a simple thing to say, why hadn’t I thought of that? I closed my eyes, took a long breath, and felt my anger going away.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Death, I saw her eyes. There was nothing waiting for me there, no reflection, just that bottomless pit.

I couldn’t help but smile. And then, of course, I died.