Un mes...

En contra de todas las predicciones, sí tuve cierta constancia con este blog, al punto de que se cumpilio un mes del primer post... para conmemorar el aniversario de aquel primer post que fue dedicado a The Raven de Edgar Allan Poe, otro post dedicado a ese autor, esta vez con solo un fragmento de The Premature Burial:
"I have no name in the regions which I inhabit," replied the voice, mournfully; "I was mortal, but am fiend. I was merciless, but am pitiful. Thou dost feel that I shudder.–My teeth chatter as I speak, yet it is not with the chilliness of the night–of the night without end. But this hideousness is insufferable. How canst thou tranquilly sleep? I cannot rest for the cry of these great agonies. These sights are more than I can bear. Get thee up! Come with me into the outer Night, and let me unfold to thee the graves. Is not this a spectacle of woe?–Behold!"


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